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Compliance Health Check
What’s up with your company’s compliance management system?

A compliance health check is a systematic review and evaluation of existing compliance structures, processes and measures. It serves to assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of compliance efforts and to identify potential for improvement.

The Compliance Health Check is carried out by  .LOUPE and/or our cooperation partners from Cogard – Compliance as a Service GmbH. The process is usually automated via .LOUPE.

  • Survey the "status quo"

    Determine the current status of your compliance efforts and obtain the current status measured against the requirements of ISO 37301.

  • Identify potential for improvement

    Obtain information about gaps or weaknesses in existing compliance structures and processes.

  • Evaluate effectiveness

    Find out how effective the compliance measures actually are and whether they achieve the desired results.

  • Promoting employee awareness and commitment

    Strengthen employee awareness and commitment to compliance issues by focusing on the importance and effectiveness of the measures.

  • Reputation / integrity management

    Create trust – not only within the company itself, but also with your stakeholders. This will help you to protect the company’s reputation.

Whistleblowing & Internal Investigations.
Praxiskommentar zur Whistleblowing-Richtlinie
Book recommendation by Martin Reichetseder

As co-author of the practical commentary „Whistleblowing & Internal Investigations“, Martin Reichetseder shares his many years of experience in the field of risk management and compliance – as a lawyer by passion, as a compliance officer by conviction and as founder of .LOUPE – focused on business integrity.

This practical commentary, edited by Prof. DDr. Alexander Petsche, offers both a brief commentary on the whistleblowing directive and practical instructions on how to implement a whistleblowing system that complies with the directive.

Comply or Escape
The Compliance Game
by rosa elefant OG powered by .LOUPE

Your working day started well! But suddenly a hectic atmosphere arose in the office. „An urgent message has been received in the whistleblower-portal! You are now part of our investigation team. Solve the case as quickly as possible!”

Comply or Escape is a unique and novel concept that playfully shows participants what compliance means in their working day and where typical problems can occur – play, fun and training with targeted and practical knowledge transfer!