.LOUPE – Business-Partner-Compliance
Responsibility without limits

The focus on ethical/moral, sustainable and legal integrity reduces the risk of compliance violations that are based in the value chain.

.LOUPE – Business-Partner-Compliance

With practical experience to fulfill your supply chain due diligence obligations.

Responsibility without limits – companies operate all over the world and are dependent on complex supply chains. Compliance to realize value requires that business partners take appropriate measures to protect human rights and the environment.

You get access to internationally proven expertise, receive questionnaires on the main topics of the CSDDD as well as well-known supply chain laws and integrate optionally external databases for the additional collection of compliance and financial risks (including sanction screenings, ESG ratings, media screening) with .LOUPE – Business Partner Compliance.

  • Single and multi scoring

    .LOUPE evaluates answers, creates risk profiles for each topic in the form of a traffic light and integrates different indices to make decisions easy and careful.

  • Documentation and communication

    .LOUPE transparently documents the steps to implement your supply chain care. Get in touch with your partners and agree on necessary measures.

  • Management and usability

    .LOUPE supports the management of internal tasks such as follow-ups and prioritizes the actions of your business partners. It is also user-friendly and provides questionnaires.

Would you like to know more about our solution?
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